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What are the selection techniques for the aquarium?

Keeping aquariums and setting aquariums is a very comprehensive task. If you want to create a beautiful aquarium with high appreciation. The first step is to buy a good aquarium.
1. Choose a ventilated and spacious open space at home for easy placement of the aquarium. The chosen place should be convenient for family members to appreciate while not hindering the family's normal life.
2. Determine the size of the aquarium, and then formulate a rendering of the aquarium manufacturing. Keep the size and shape of the aquarium in mind. It is convenient to make the right choice when purchasing.
3. In addition to the fish tank, the aquarium also includes many other equipment. For example: heating rod, thermometer, water pump, light lamp, filter, etc.
4. When purchasing, be sure to ask the manufacturer if the auxiliary equipment is sold with the aquarium. If not, then you need to purchase auxiliary equipment separately.
5. The purchase of aquarium also involves the selection of water grass, fish, rockery, rock, and bottom sand. These are mainly used for landscaping of aquariums. The selected size should be appropriate to the size of the aquarium, and the quantity is also determined by referring to the entire space size of the aquarium. Only a reasonable layout will increase the appreciation value of the aquarium.
6. Of course, you can also choose multiple aquariums of different sizes. Buy them back and arrange them into an aquarium array according to your own preferences. It will be more wonderful in the night!
Landscape method
Aquarium landscaping was developed on the basis of tropical fish breeding and aquatic planting. In the early days of raising tropical fish, people just kept some fish for viewing in the fish tank. With the improvement of viewing requirements, some aquatic plants were placed in the fish tank for embellishment. As the lighting equipment and constant temperature equipment become more and more mature,the grass grow from the foil position to the position of the protagonist, so that planting aquatic plants has been developed as a specialized technology The increase in the variety of aquatic plants also laid the foundation for the layout of aquatic plants in the aquarium. People have created a piece of their own through the carefully designed layout of different varieties, different colors and different shapes of aquatic plants, plus stone and sunken wood. Natural world. Today, expert landscaping specialists specializing in aquarium landscaping continue to emerge.Aquarium landscaping has also developed a world-wide art project from the past for self-entertainment, known as "art behind glass". Aquarium landscaping competitions are also held in many parts of the world every year.

Aquarium filter

Sensen Group Co., Ltd.